Segnale nel sentiero del Cammino

HomeThe RouteSignposting


The route of the Capuchin Walk is clearly and constantly marked on poles and trees with low environmental impact signposting to accompany pilgrims in total safety. When there are no signs on a path indicating a right or left turn onto secondary roads, it goes without saying that it is sufficient to keep going on the main path.

It can always happen, however, that for whatever reason a sign is missing along the way. For this reason, pilgrims should always have GPS tracks and detailed descriptions of the stages with them. These can be downloaded before setting off directly from our website in the “Places and Trails” section or by downloading the The Capuchin Walk App.

The signs show the classic CAI flag with the logo of the path in the centre. The logo is a double “C” with the silhouette of a friar inside, in which the hood, a fundamental and distinctive symbolic element in the history of the Capuchins, stands out in a particular way (by reading the novel you will understand much more).

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